- 7-Eleven - Edinger Avenue
- 7-Eleven - Goldenwest Street
- 7-Eleven - HAMILTON
- 7-Eleven - Pacific Coast Highway
- 7-Eleven - Warner Avenue
- 7-Eleven - Pacific Coast Highway
- Albertsons - Beach Boulevard
- Albertsons - Yorktown Avenue
- Albertsons - Bolsa Chica Street
- America's Tire
- American Tire Depot
- Best Buy
- Big 5 Sporting Goods
- Blades and Bleach
- Bolsa Cafe & Rentals - Pacific Coast Highway
- Bolsa Cafe & Rentals - Pacific Coast Highway
- Burlington
- C & R Diamond Jewelers
- C.O.D. Wholesale Party Supplies
- Costco
- CVS Pharmacy - Bolsa Chica Street
- CVS Pharmacy - Brookhurst Street
- DeLorean Motor Company California
- Dick's Sporting Goods
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