- 1st Stop
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- 7-Eleven
- Abol Bridge Campground Store
- Airport Variety
- Alltown
- Alltown
- Amato's
- Anni's Market
- Anthony's Food Shop
- Applebee's Superette
- Athens Corner Store
- Augusta Quick Mart
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple
- Big Apple Sanford
- Big Apple Store
- Bishop's Store
- Bowdoin Express
- Bradbury Brothers Market
- Broadcove Market
- Broadway Variety
- Brooklin General Store
- Buckfield Mall
- C.N. Brown
- C&S Market
- Casco AG
- Christy's Country Store
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Circle K
- Citgo
- Citgo
- Citgo
- Corner Variety
- Corsetti's
- Country Farm
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cumberland Farms
- Cummings Market
- D and L Country Store
- DβAjanβs Market
- Dad's Place
- Day's Store
- Dead River Company
- Dead River Company
- Dexter Variety
- Dollar General
- Doughty's Island Market
- Dresden Take Out
- Durham Get n' Go
- Dyer's Variety
- Dysart's Travel Stop
- Eastside Convenience
- Eggemoggin General Store
- Esso
- Etna Villiage Variety
- Exit 43 Quik Stop
- Fairmount Market
- Ferris Variety
- Ferry Village Market
- Flagstaff General Store
- Food Stop
- Four Corners Store
- Foxbrook Variety
- Freeport Trading Co.
- Freshies
- Freshies
- Freshies
- Freshies Deli
- Friendly's Market
- Fuller's Market
- Gene's Market
- Gibbs
- Haknuman Meanchey Asian Market
- Handy's Market
- Hannigan's Island Market
- Harvest Market
- Highland Variety
- Hilltop Superette
- Holbrook's General Store
- Irving
- Irving Circle K
- J Brothers Variety Pizza and Sandwiches
- J.P. Wentworth's Country Store
- Jack's Grocery
- Jim's Variety
- John's Market
- Kenoco
- Kittery Food Mart
- La Bodega Latina
- Laney Pit Stop
- Le Variety
- Leadbetter's
- Leadbetters
- Lichfield Country Store
- Lighthouse
- Lil' Mart
- Lil' Mart
- Log Cabin Groceries
- Lows Bar Mills
- Madore's Market
- Main Street Market
- Main Street Variety
- Maine Street Depot
- Mainely
- Mallard Mart
- Mama Lou's
- Maritime Farms
- McFadden's Variety
- Mellen Street Market
- Micucci Grocery Store
- Mike's Market II
- Millinocket Variety
- Mills Market
- Mobil Mart
- Mobil Mart
- Mobil Mart
- Monmoth Kwik shop
- Moosabec Variety
- Mountain Grocer
- Mountain Valley Variety
- Mountains Market
- Mulligan's
- Navy Exchange
- New Gloucester Village Store
- Northland Cash Supply
- Nouria
- Nouria
- Nouria
- Nouria
- Nouria Energy
- Nouria-Shell
- Oquossoc Grocery
- Otter Creek Market
- Owls Head General Store
- Parent's Country Store
- Pierce's Country Store
- Pines Market
- Plymouth Village Store
- Polly's Variety
- Public Market House
- Ralph's Store & Deli
- Runway Variety
- Rusty Lantern
- Rusty Lantern Market
- Sandy River Farm Supply
- Sanford Lil Mart
- Sea Star Market
- Sebago Square
- Severino's Variety
- Six Mile Falls Market
- Solon Superette
- Sopo Mart-Convenience Store
- South End Grocery
- Springvale Gulf Express
- Station House Convenience Store
- Stewart's Gorcery & Take-Out
- Stop N Go Store
- T&C Grocery
- T&D Variety
- Taylor Store
- The 107
- The Big Apple Food Store
- The Country Store
- The Depot
- The Essential Store
- The Fayette General Store
- The Hawks Nest
- The Island Store
- The Maine Store
- The Market
- The Quality Shop
- The VIllage Tie-Up
- The White Elephant
- Three D's Variety
- Tigris Market
- Tilton's Market
- Towle's Corner Store
- Town Hill Market
- Tracy's Variety
- Tradewinds
- Tradewinds Market
- Trailside One Stop
- Trevett Country Store
- Triangle Service Station
- Twin Bridge Market
- Upton Village Store
- Valero
- Victor News
- Village Store
- Village Trading Post
- Village Variety
- Washington General Store
- Why Not Stop
- Wiscasset Clipper Mart
- Wiscasset Quik-Stop
- Youland Convenience
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