- A Summer's Garden Florist
- Alfa Flower Shop
- Artistic Florals by Leslie
- Bayside Floral Design
- Bev's Floral
- Bo Jo's Creations, Floral, cakes, and gifts
- Botanica Mi Esperanza
- Chamberlains Flowers
- Country Buds Flower Shoppe
- Felly's Flowers
- Flowers by David
- Flowers by Guenthers
- Flowers By Walter
- Forth Floral
- Greeenfield Flower Shop
- Historic Square
- Hive & Hollow
- Holiday Florist
- Hrnak's Flowers & Gifts
- Just Imagine Floral
- Krueger Floral-N-Gifts
- Lee's Flowers
- Lily Forest Designs
- Maranta Plant Shop
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